Sunday, December 21, 2014

8Mhz "On Semiconductors" 68008 runs at 12.5Mhz

From several sources I know that Motorola MC68k parts do not like to run on higher freqs then nominal.
At least that's not true for "On Semiconductors" parts.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Mathew Brandt's c68 and CP/M 68

While looking for C compiler for CP/M 68 looks I've found something that looks quite fine.
As for version "5.1 (beta)/25 Apr 2002" c68 taken from has
-cpm68 option and it somehow work. It even claims that it generates AS68compatible source.
There are a lot of versions of this compiler on the net, but this one is surely the best I've tried (but as I understand it's unable to compile itself, what a pity)
The way it does not work is writing hex as 0xXX, not as $XX, so here is a fix:
PRIVATE void put_byte P1 (UVAL,val)
    put_header (bytegen, alignment_of_type (tp_char));
    oprintf ("$%lx", (unsigned long) (val & OxffUL));
/*DtZ     oprintf ("0x%lx", (unsigned long) (val & OxffUL)); */
    outcol += 4; /* or  should be changed to +3 ? */

PRIVATE void put_word P1 (UVAL, val)
   put_header (wordgen, alignment_of_type (tp_short));
/*DtZ     oprintf ("0x%lx", (unsigned long) (val & OxffffUL)); */
    oprintf ("$%lx", (unsigned long) (val & OxffffUL));
    outcol += 6; /* or should be changed to +7? */

Next, AS68 does not need/want "\t.sect", it accepts .data and .text directly.
static void seg P3 (enum e_sg, segtype, const char *, segname, SIZE, al)
 if (curseg != segtype) {                                                                                     
/*DtZ   oprintf ("\t.sect\t%s%s", segname, newline);*/                                                        
        oprintf ("\t%s * Segment %s", segname, newline);                                                       

And you should edit config.h the way it can generate for 68000 and to check the compiler binary you get can do -cpm68k and -int=16.
Next, remember that's just compiler, not even preprocessor: so on unix side I had to do
cc -E -I/home/dtz/8BIT/68K/CPM1.3/DISK4 main.c > p_main.c
./cc68 -int=16 -cpm68k -v p_main.c > main.s
Also, note that standard CP/M 68's headers lacks most of the C functions; so I had to copy them from "C language programming manual" (do not forget to add link link there!)
On CP/M system, assemble the file with AS68 -U file.o, and then link it with CLINK.SUB
UPD: More, the code it generates can be feed to jas assembler mentioned some time ago.
UPDD: Looks like optimization code is faulty.
UPDDD: 201607 Mirrored Here

Monday, December 8, 2014

Sozobon's JAS runs at CP/M 68K

As I expected, JAS from Sozobon C compiler for Atari was easy to port back to CP/M 68 and it works natively.
To do it, do the following: compile Sozobon C on unix host (see (or mirrored on my site), then compile jas by xhcc, now using makefile , not make.unx.
First, make a small patch in main.c:
        if ( freopb( ofile, "w", stdout ) ==  NULL )
                error( 0, "can't open object file for writing" );
      if ( freopen( ofile, "bw", stdout ) == (FILE *) NULL )
             error( 0, "can't open object file for writing" );

Then take CP/M-68 1.3 distribution files; here you'll find DISK4 and header files on it. You have to convert them to lowercase and erase all symbols after (and including) ^Z.
Then edit makefile to became smth like that:
CC = ./xhcc
CFLAGS = -c -v -O -I/home/dtz/8BIT/68K/CPM1.3/DISK4
Run make, you'll get 10 *.s files; then assemble them by jas:
foreach f [glob *.s] {
 exec ./xjas -8 $f
You'll get 10 .o files. Transfer them to CP/M 68K host and link by DRI's LO68: c:lo68 -R -u_nofloat -o jas.68k c:s.o CBUF.O CPY.O GEN.O HDR.O LEX.O MAIN.O OPS.O OPT.O PARSE.O PASS.O SCAN.O SYM.O c:clib And know what? It works! (do not forget to add -8 switch when calling jas). However, that's not very useful as assembler, but better to have an assembler with SOURCE as alternative to AS68.
Get it from here ;-) [ok from here]

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Use of Sozobon C on CP/M 68

I've tried to make some use of Sozobon C compiler to be somehow-used on[or together with] CP/M 68.
First, it can be compiled on modern Linux/MacOSX; that's good. And the thing that is useful is xjas assembler. At least with -8 flag it generates .o files with can be linked natively on CP/M'68 lo68.

And, what I say? I say: GOOOOOOOOOD!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hello world assember 68k / as68

One more reminder to myself: the skeleton of assembler program
        globl   _main
        move.b  #'*',d1
        move.w  #2,d0           * calling BDOS '2'
        trap    #2
        move.b  #'*',d1
        move.w  #2,d0           * calling BDOS '2'
        trap    #2
        move.b  #$0A,d1
        move.w  #2,d0           * calling BDOS '2'
        trap    #2
        move.b  #$0D,d1
        move.w  #2,d0           * calling BDOS '2'
        trap    #2

AS68 hello.s

LO68 -R -O hello.68K hello.O

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Compaq Prosignia VS - pcnet32 solution

Oh yes - that was easy: just add 0x8800 address to pcnet32.c in kernel. It works both with 2.2 kernels and 2.4.latest, at least.
So currenty my Compaq Prosignia VS runs Slackware 7 with 2.4.latest kernel with all devices (except it sees only 16M of 40M of RAM)
Generally it was a bad idea to start with Slackware 7; looks like I could start with Slackware 11, but! - it is unable to start the installation with initrd - looks like it cannot fit my [or original] kernel and initrd in memory (as I said, 16M of 40M). I've tried different memmap='s , but still it does not helps. UPD: append="sim710=addr:0x8000,irq:14 mem=exactmap mem=640k@0 mem=15M@1M mem=20M@16M mem=nopentium acpi=off debug noisapnp" - with this setting in lilo.conf 2.4.37 sees all my 36M of memory! UPD: looks like that's not pcnet32.c , but lance.c should be edited.

Monday, October 6, 2014

ppp over ssh

Just as reminder to myself, here is an easy ppp over ssh solution with openbsd as server and linux as client.
Openbsd server:
  • Allow IP forwarding for nat: sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
  • Configure NAT in /etc/pf.conf:
    ext_ip="*.*.*.*" # your's external IP
    match out on {$ext_if} from {$int_net} to any nat-to {$ext_ip} 
    pass out on {$ext_if} from {$int_net} to any
  • Create a user ppp, configure linux client and openbsd's server user ppp, [optionally, but highly recommended] set ssh key auth, check that ssh ppp@server linux client reaches openbsd's shell. Add ppp user to /etc/ftpusers. Disable password auth for that user.
  • Create /usr/local/bin/ppplogin and make it executable for user ppp:
    /usr/sbin/pppd $TTY nodetach proxyarp ms-dns server.dns.IP.addr
    [UPD: no need for proxyarp, probably] In /etc/ppp/chap-secrets create an ppp auth entry:
    clientusername * clientpassword
  • Add /usr/local/bin/ppplogin to /etc/shells. Also check if you have ppp0 interface; you may need to run ifconfig ppp0 create (and several ppp interfaces if you need it)
  • On linux client side, create callppp script:
    pppd debug nodetach defaultroute usepeerdns name clientusername passive pty  \
        "ssh -o Batchmode=yes"
    Strange thing, if we say defaultroute - it does not help us to set the default route over the ppp link; we have to do that manually (in ip-up and ip-down scripts)
  • An auth entry in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets:
    clientusername * clientpassword
  • In /etc/ppp/ip-up:
    /sbin/route add -host gw
    /sbin/route del default 
    /sbin/route add default gw $5 
    (also, here you can keed those routes that should not pass via ppp interface)
  • And in /etc/ppp/ip-down we should restore everything back:
    /sbin/route del default
    /sbin/route del -host
    /sbin/route add default gw

Do not forget to run traceroute and check how are you connected to the internet now.
And the last advice: do not listen to my advices [because I do not undestand anything in the things I write, at least for now, even handcrafted that all myself], read all the docs and do it the right way (mostly be aware of some security holes in this installation - but only in OpenBSD NAT rules, I believe).

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Compaq Prosignia 486 VS

For years, I owned Compaq Prosignia VS motherboard and now it is old enough to turn it on.
And, well, it is one of the most tricky 486 computer I've ever touched.
This is the first part of story.

First, yes, it can be run from an AT PSU, but WARNING! - it must not be plugged as in normal PC AT PSU, but with a specific shift. Better read the docs, if you fail - you'll burn it (maybe I'll post photo later). [UPD: see it here (Let me explain: looking from CPU side: left, 5 pin socket: Black HANGING in air covering no pins, next Black, Blue, Light Yellow, Red, Dark Yellow; right: Red Red Red White Black Black Unconnected pin)]
Next, a SCSI drive. I use IBM 4G 68pin drive via SCSI converter.
And a floppy.

As you know, old Compaqs has a system partition instead of BIOS setup program. You have to download Compaq System Configuration Utility and to install it first.
Can you avoid it? Looks like yes. But if you want to see your's SCSI controller settings itself, install it.

Then I've installed FreeDOS from a floppy and tried to find PCNET packet driver. And failed! Because the onboard PCNET32 is EISA. It means it behaves mostly as ISA one, but 32 bit wide and on io 0x8800.
Ok, let's install an old linux - sure, that to be Slackware, saying, 7.1. I've downloaded (via Null Modem and conex.exe (c) 98 Erhard Hilbig -nice small and simple DOS terminal with Zmodem) n_53c7xx.s and color.gz - and it could not find SCSI controller. I boot it via loadlin,exe, btw.
It needs to know the IO and IRQ of SCSI contoller, that is done by
loadlin bzImage root=/dev/ram rw initrd=c:\linux\color.gz sim710=addr:0x8000,irq:14
Guess what? It refuses to see both pcnet32 and lance network! (and it sees only 16M of my 40M of RAM)
[end of first part]

Friday, September 19, 2014

CP/M 68: linking an C and asm file together

I've googled for this stuff for some time, but finished with reading docs. May be that will be usefull for someone else (notibly me when I will look for that once again)
dtzputs.s , implements dtzputs via calling BDOS fn 2

        globl   _dtzputs
        move.l  4(sp),a1        *taking argument from stack
        move.b  (a1)+,d1        *take next char; should if be ANDed with 0x00FF ? A1 expected to be w
        cmpi.b  #0,d1
        beq     dtzputse
        move.l  a1,-(sp)        *storing string pointer to stack
        move.w  #2,d0           * calling BDOS '2'
        trap    #2
        move.l  (sp)+,a1
        bra     dtzputsl

Assemble it with AS68 -L -U -S 0: dtzputs.s , get dtzputs.o
test.c ,calls dtzputs

 dtzputs("Fuck a duck");

Compile it with C TEST like that:
9C>c test







9C>AS68 -L -U -S 0: TEST.S


And link it

9C>clink test dtzputs


Fuck a duck

Quack! Quack! Quack!
The next thing to understand is how to get rid of S.O and CLIB, but it is not for today.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Some more news on SGSBCSD

Looks like I have the code working with SDHC. I'll test in in a few days and release 0.00.04/2491.
So my future plans to port it to m68k code and update 68kavr project. UPD: 2491 version of Searle Grant SBC SD interface released. It works!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Huge SGSBCSD update - 2490

A lot of bug fixes for my SD interface for Searle Grant's SBC. A loot! If anyone have it installed - update it now

Friday, August 29, 2014

In a few days I plan to release a significant SGSBCSD [SD interface for Z80] code upgrade. At least a lot of bugfixes.
If anyone cares. Or otherwise, I do not care.

Friday, June 27, 2014

QooltermII at version 0.00.02 - first time update scince 1999!

QoolTermII is [partitial] vt52 terminal emulator for Robotron PC 1715 now gets an updated version - 0.00.02. I bet it is the rarest updated software ever!
Now works with IOByte as well (saying, as bad) as with direct SIO.
Get it here

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

68kavr - considered competed

So that happened.
I consider 68kavr project competed.
That means that it loads OS from SD card
Today I've published my SD card image with the source of BIOS/LDRBIOS, as usuially, here , I'll check two last chapters and copy them there (to be able to discuss them and just they not to be lost one day) in few days.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Advanced band selection for OpenWRT/luci/Huawei modems

I have a wonderful OpenWRT on a nice TPLink 842 router, and I want to add band selection for LTE and selective UMTS - 900 and 2100 Mhz.
I have E3276 (not in NCM mode!) and several 3G (E1552,E1762) modems. I had to add the folowing:
                       elif echo "$cardinfo" | grep -q "Sierra Wireless"; then
                       elif echo "$cardinfo" | grep -q "MF823"; then
                                case "$service" in
                                        umts_only) CODE="5";;
                                        umts900_only) CODE="5";;
                                        umts2100_only) CODE="5";;
                                        gprs_only) CODE="4";;
                                        gprs900_only) CODE="4";;
                                        gprs1800_only) CODE="4";;
                                        lte_only) CODE="7";;
                                        lte_b7_only) CODE="7";;
                                        lte_b20_only) CODE="7";;

                                export MODE="AT+ZPREFMODE=${CODE}"
                        elif echo "$cardinfo" | grep -qi "E327"; then
# E327 means both E3276 and E3272 at least; correct for your's 4G model
# 00000100 is EGSM900, 00000200 is primary GSM900
                                case "$service" in
                                        umts_only) CODE="02";;
                                        umts900_only) CODE="02"
                                        umts2100_only) CODE="02"
                                        gprs_only) CODE="01";;
                                        gprs900_only) CODE="01"
                                        gprs1800_only) CODE="01"
                                        lte_only) CODE="03";;
                                        lte_b7_only) CODE="03"
                                        lte_b20_only) CODE="03"
                                        *) CODE="00";;
                                export MODE="AT^SYSCFGEX=\"${CODE}\",${BAND},1,4,${LTEBAND},\"\",\"\""
                        elif echo "$cardinfo" | grep -qi huawei; then
                                case "$service" in
                                        lte_only) CODE="14,2";;
                                        lte_b7_only) CODE="14,2";;
                                        lte_b20_only) CODE="14,2";;
                                        umts_only) CODE="14,2";;
                                        umts900_only) CODE="14,2"
                                        umts2100_only) CODE="14,2"
                                        gprs_only) CODE="13,1";;
                                        gprs900_only) CODE="13,1"
                                        gprs1800_only) CODE="13,1"
                                        *) CODE="2,2";;
                                export MODE="AT^SYSCFG=${CODE},${BAND},2,4"

and in /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/admin_network/proto_3g.lua
service = section:taboption("general", Value, "service", translate("Service Type"))
service:value("", translate("-- Please choose --"))
service:value("umts", "UMTS/GPRS")
service:value("umts_only", translate("UMTS only"))
service:value("umts900_only", translate("UMTS 900 only"))
service:value("umts2100_only", translate("UMTS 2100 only"))
service:value("gprs_only", translate("GPRS only"))
service:value("gprs900_only", translate("GPRS 900 only"))
service:value("gprs1800_only", translate("GPRS 1800 only"))
service:value("lte_only", translate("LTE only"))
service:value("lte_b7_only", translate("LTE Band 7 only"))
service:value("lte_b20_only", translate("LTE Band 20 only"))
service:value("evdo", "CDMA/EV-DO")

To see how gcom sets the mode, add in /etc/gcom/setmode.gcom:
 print "Trying to set mode ",$env("MODE")," (at /etc/gcom)\n"

And you can monitor by logread -f and see something like that:

Sat May  3 16:06:53 2014 daemon.notice netifd: Interface '3g' is setting up now
Sat May  3 16:06:55 2014 daemon.notice netifd: 3g (10250): Trying to set mode AT^SYSCFGEX="03",3FFFFFFF,1,4,7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,"","" (at /etc/gcom)
Sat May  3 16:06:57 2014 daemon.notice pppd[10273]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Sat May  3 16:06:58 2014 chat[10275]: abort on (BUSY)

UPD 20140627:
  • Also works with E3272 [Megafon-100?] (change grep -qi "E3276"; to grep -qi "E327"; to support both modems)
  • Has a bug in 4G/LTE band selection. Instead of 1st ($CODE) , the 5th (7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) parameter should be changed. If I ever test this on real hardware, I'll update the post.
UPD 20150502: Fixed 4G band selection. UPD 20150801: Some code for ZTE 823D added, it must be in AT-command mode and it cannot select bands, just switches from GSM to UMTS and LTE. That's the only ZTE modem I own for now, so I cannot say if any other model will do the same stuff, check it.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

68k project: step 7 - CP/M 68, booting from Srecords

Ok, lets start from code. Code for ChVII
  The firmware is mostly [or exactly?] the same, but there are two new directories - BIOS ,which contains BIOS (sort of ugly bios), and Disk, which contains pretty empty disk image and diskdefs for cpmtools. (local)
The disk image itself contains A: - P: drives, cpmtools with this diskdefs are able to write to A: . Write there a whole CP/M distribution. The disk image comes from Searle Grant's Z80 SBC, (or even my mentioned SD interface for it) as all the DPB stuff.
  For the bios reassembly use assemble script, you'll get bios.s. Next, load it and CPM15000.SR via cut-and-paste to SBC console.
  Personally I do it with kermit. It's much better for our use then saying minicom.
  Here is my kermit initialization (I hope I forgot nothing:)
set line /dev/ttyS0
set car off
set speed 38400
set flow rts
set transmit timeout 10

(and set input echo on, but I forgot what it is for and if it is really needed)    So from SBC prompt say
* boot
, it will initialise the card and load something ($2000 bytes?) to somewhere ($1000?). But currently we do not care.
  Next, load bios.s and CPM15000.SR by

 C-Kermit> transmit CPM15000.SR


 C-Kermit> transmit bios.s

Next, run it via go15000 and get A:.
  The next thing is to create CPMLDR and CPM.SYS. Sure, we will create them on the board. But I refuse to learn CP/M ed!
So, the next thing I going to do is to get some text editor. And that will be separate chapter or two.

Some things to mention:
  • First, get .68K files from .REL . That's done by series of RELOCX.SUB scripts
  • if AS68 says can't open 0:AS68SYMB.DAT, ensure you have AS68INIT from DISK3 and run AS68 -I AS68INIT for every TPA change
  • A very good article how to recalculate DPBs into cpmtools diskdefs.
    It does not help me much because it is long and clever; I always guess some things (and probably wrong)

A working CP/M 68K emulator found

it is fresh and newly-written, but it works
Also, it contains a working version of emacs! That solves my need for a text editor for CP/M 68k (but not a reason to finish my attempts to port dealin and ted editors)

Monday, April 21, 2014

I have a bootable CP/M 68!

Yes,I did it!
Looks like AS68 has some problems with conditional assembling, so I had to pass my assembler source via linux's cpp. As well it does not like symbols longer then 8 chars (and it's clear why), so using cpp was a good idea (and then transfer it on board).
Anyway, I've got an $18000 TPA. Good!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I've burned one more Atmega8A

And found that I have no any Atmega8As till tomorrow. Hopefully this online shop promise to deliver me some chips on next day after an order [in Moscow]; that's good!
I have some Atmega8L's (max 8 Mhz), and tried to make them work at least at 9600.
Ha! It works on 38400! My 68kavr flow control algorithm considered to be good.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

68k project: step 6 - lets' start thinking about CP/M

First, some news of the project: The updated scheme HERE . Generally nothing new, only MAX232A is drawn
Here is the picture of my board taken 20140325.
First, I have some minor (but nice!) changes in my firmware. First is
GOaddressmonitor command , which goes to the specified address.
And the second... (have I ever told you I'm genius? REALLY? Oh, sorry) - I catch the BREAK from a serial line and inititate CPU Reset! (actually, even MCU reset).
So, in C-Kermit> (if you use C-Kermit as do I) 's terminal mode, I can press [CTRL]+[\] [B] , and get a reset!
More, I own an HP 9000 A500 server and it has as "Service Processor". And I'd like to have a full Service Processor console in future like the one on that server. Saying, it can turn on and off ATX power (if I have a spare pin and free memory on Atmega8)....
Sometimes in future
So, let's talk about CP/M iteself
This is my first attempt to port CP/M to any computer by the method explained in, our case, "System Guide". The prerequestings are:
  • I should have System Guide (I do)
  • I should have CP/M 68 in S-records (I do from : I use this)
  • The system must accept S-Records (my does)
  • I must have an assembler which generates S-Records (I use A68k from TI 68K calculator project:
    68000 Assembler - version 2.71.F3s (Sep 21, 2004)
    Copyright 1985 by Brian R. Anderson
    AmigaDOS conversion copyright 1991 by Charlie Gibbs.
    Adapted for use with Fargo by David Ellsworth.
    Bugfixes and additions by Julien Muchembled, Paul Froissart and Kevin Kofler
    Warning: do not use asm68k
    asmx multi-assembler version 2.0b5
    Copyright 1998-2007 Bruce Tomlin
    buggy as shit. May be vasm is good - but I'm not ready to write linker scripts just to get SRecord from the source with static lables and given ORG)
So, on the CP/M distribution there is a file CPM15000.SR - that's an CP/M in S-Records (which is loaded from address $15000).
On the first disk of distribution set there is a very useful README.TXT which says that to create a BIOS I should figure out _init (== ORG of BIOS == $1B000) and _ccp ($150BC) symbols in CPM15000.MAP (and that differs from what is written in "System Guide"; there said you should patch Srecords file [for 1.0 and 1.1 CP/M 68k vers.]).
So lets go to "System Guide" directly to the Appendix B on page 59 and start type "Sample Bios" into text editor.
As you can see, BIOS install TRAP #3 and CP/M works with BIOS via this TRAP. I've tried to start with
  • constat
  • conin
  • conout
, but it was not enough; setexc also a must for CP/M to show you it's A:>. The first thing it does, it installs an TRAP handlers for almost all the TRAPS! I will not retype it here, that will be attached later, when it will be at least read/write sectors. To start CP/M first load CP/M itself, then BIOS, then type go15000
After I wrote basic sector read/write access I was able to say DIR,TYPE and even REN. But could not run any program, that's because I've forgot getseg call at all. And then I was able to run DDT68000, but during read it compained "Cannot write sector" (and it was not writing sector at all!)
That was because I forgot flush call.
Funny - this code contains *No* CP/M specific code yet, and is just update of firmware ;-) Code for ChVI

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Looking for text editor for CP/M 68K

So, I have plain 68K system where I can CP/M by loading it via SRecords.
I want to build CPMLDR & CPM.SYS, so I want to edit them on board to assemble and link. Edit means editor, and I refuse to understand how cp/m's ED work.
So I want to compile some editor, what's the simpliest? Edlin, for sure.
So we have:
  • FreeDOS's edlin
  • Terry McConnell's deadlin
Both are good edlins. Deadlin's code is simpler, but it uses fgetpos, which CP/M 68K's compiler lacks. FreeDOS's edlin is more complicated.
So currenlty I'm trying to compile them, or find some other edlin clone. I know that MicroEmacs/CP/M-68K exists, that's an apportunity, too.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

68k project: step 5 - SD interface

  The idea of SD interface is just an adoptation of my SD interface for Searle's Grant SBC. So go there for SD card pinout,resistor values, 3.3V power, etc. The only change is 2*7474 to one 74175. Or you can use 2*7474. Or any latch of this sort.
  Some notes: a rewiring /AC0000,CPURESET->SETAVRCLK, FCE,AVRCE->MIXEDCLK2 on the scheme is not significant at all and is here just to correspond my actual wiring.
    As for SD interface, it consists of a 74175 trigger for data output and 7403 as data input. To write to 74175 we mix /A80000 line with /MEMWR and /DS (on an extra 7432) and latch D0-D2 to the trigger, so that are SD card's Clock (SDCLK), DataIn (SDDATAIN) and Chip Select (SCCS) [why SCCS? Rename it to SDSC later] SPI lines. They should be mixed via resistors to get 3.3V-alike signals (again, see this). Do not forget that SD card itself should be feed with +2.8 - +3.3V so you can use 7833 or just a LED to drop the voltage.
   For data in, we mix /A80000 line with /MEMRD and /DS to get /80000RD and invert it to get 80000RD. Passed throw 7403 (with SDDATAOUT) we direct this open-collecor output to D0. So this output is low only when 80000RD is active (high) and SDDATAOUT is high too, so this is inverted input. So, from 68k side we can

    move.b #7,$80000 ; CS - up, Dataout - up, CLK - up
    move.b #2,$80000 ; CS - down, Dataout - up, CLK - down

manage that bits this way (but better keep higher bits high - we may have some extra SPI devices in future), and to read it just read lower bit from $80000 and invert it.

Just to remind:
D0 - CLK
D2 - CS
D3 and D4-D7 - reserved for future SPI devices (who knows which? extra Atmega, RTC, etc)

   The Code for ChV can detect (command "BOOT") the card (CMD0), can send it CMD1 for (doing smth usefull), some command to ensure the card's sector size is 512 bytes, but nothing more still. (I use this and this) as reference)
  Also, scince now I use Atmega's PC5 pin for CTS. That's because I've tried to cut-and-paste CP/M-68 S-record files and was unable to do that without hardware flow. So in AVR code there is a #define WITH_CTS to use this code (enabled by default) and 256 bytes ring boofer for handling input bytes from serial.
  As you could note, there is a sort-of-monitor program included in 68k asm Currently it can:
BF Blink SDCLK fast (with fullspeed clock)
BS Blink SDCLK slow (with AVRCLK)
BLINK Blink until key pressed (fullspeed clock)
ON Set SDCLK to 0 (or 1)
OFF Set SDCLK to 0 (or 1)
1 Set SDCLK to 1, SDDATAIN to 0, SCCS to 0)
2 Set SDCLK to 0, SDDATAIN to 1, SCCS to 0)
4 Set SDCLK to 0, SDDATAIN to 0, SCCS to 1)
IN Tell SDDATAOUT status (or inverted SDDATAOUT?)
DUMP[optional address] Dump memory from address (or continue to dump from that address if no address given)
BOOT Try to init the SD card
S[srecord] Parce S-Records. It understands S1,S2,S3 records and ignores all the others

It's easy to extend this command set:
first, write an f_myfunc subrotine which should return to monotor with rts. Then add it's mnemonic to commands: and it's address (f_myfunc) to commands_vector When called, A1 will point to the first byte after you's command mnemonic in input buffer, so if was called as
, A1 will point to "bebebe"
  :Also there is one more thing I want to warn you: I use ISP programming of ATmega via SCLK/MOSI/MISO/RESET pins of ATmega, AND THIS IS UNRELATED TO SPI BUS WE'VE JUST DISCUSSED!
  : Be careful: I've burned 3 Atmega's while ISP programming it until I installed a RESET switch for CPU (RESET+HALT)
So to make an ISP firmware update, hold down RESET+HALT of CPU, then do firmware update (I use avrdude and usbasp)

A few days ago I've picked up an Electronica MS0511 computer - the UKNC (Электроника МС0511, УКНЦ) - one of the most advanced soviet widely-used home computer (actually it is not home computer - it's a school computer; it uses 42V power instead of 220 for the children do not kill themselfs and the teacher and eveyone around). The strangest thing is that it uses K1802VM2 (К1802ВМ2) CPU - actually, two of them, one as video controller. It's able to run some DEC oses - RT-11 saying. So may be one day I'll try to make and PDP-11 compatible SBC (I can buy this CPUs easily). Or not, I do not know. May be I'll try to play with 6809 or Z8001 instead. I've not decided yet. Got it for around $20.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

68k project: step IV - Switching to fast clock

[original article - ]
We will add fast clock. Just will, because out current CPU clock is slow. And for future 68681 UART which I am planning.

On my opinion, our AVR clock is about 60 times slower then external clock. (I run ATmega8A from 12Mhz crystal).

So lets' add an external quarts. (around 12 in my case; it will be devided by 2, read more). We will use
the Searle Grant's scheme on 74HCT04 and get FASTCLK signal pins 3,4,5,6.
And a trigger - 7474 (should be ALS or HCT, but I've tried old 7474 and it worked too.)
The trigger (1-7 pin) will behave the following manner: on reset, it will be at 1 (CLKFROMAVR high), and
by accessing E0000 address it will go low, that will be switching to fast clock. Also, by accessing C0000
from CPU you can switch it back to AVR clock. So we will mix /C0000 and /CPURESET signals on 7400, so
it will go high when any of /CPURESET and /C0000 will be active, and invert it on 74HCT00 pins 0 and 1
Then, we'll take the trigger output (CLOCKFROMAVR and /CLOCKFROMAVR) and mix it with CPUCLK on one segment
of 7400 and with FASTCLK. We'll get AVRCE (AVR Clock Enabled) and FCE (Fast Clock Enabled) signals.
When any of them disabled, it will go high, the other should tick. And let's mix them on one extra 7400
to get MIXEDCLK2

Is MIXEDCLK2 is good for clocking CPU? Maybe, I'm not sure.

Imagine you switch from AVR clock by accessing E0000, and fast clock front comes right after that?
That may be not good (because that will lead to a very fast clock tick) (or may not, because when you
switch the trigger you are at the end of cycle)

So let's use the other side of the moon 7474 trigger it to revert on any even clock change.
(And this devides clock by two.) I do not remember why I've decided that, but I really thought we'll have
one guaranteed tick in the worst case; it looks I'm wrong.
Anyway, this works ;-) (it really was an argument of doing it, but I forgot)

And unsolder CPUCLK clock from CPU and connect it to the output of that trigger (called CPUCLK')

20140213 Well, here it the worst case this trigger prevents: imagine we switch the clock
from slow to fast, and the MIXEDCLK2 is high. And saying when switched to fast clock it's low and
just before rising edge. So, the MIXEDCLK2 will go from high (from AVR) to low and back to high
too fast.
This is the case this trigger prevents.
Oh shit! is down again
We've never discussed M68K assembler code; some code in examples, but now it's time to speak about it
Currently I use A68K assembler (not pila) to get binary output of program; it has $1D bytes prefix (is it
for HP calc?), so I cut it and translate the rest of binary to C code via bin2c.tcl script.
While what you see in the 68K code is very experimetal (this is my first attempt to write 68K code),
at least here you can see an example (in byteio_fast.asm) file how to read and write bytes via AVR UART emulation

uartstat equ $A0002
uartdata equ $A0000
slowclock equ $C0000
fastclock equ $E0000

;------------------ RX char
bsr rx_notempt ; while rx is not empty, ie, no char
beq rx_char ; loop
move.b d0,(slowclock) ; switching clock slow
move.b (uartdata),d0 ; read from uart
move.b d0,(fastclock) ; switching clock fast
cmpi.b #CTRLC,d0 ; CTRL-C?
beq warm ; warm reset

;------------------ Test input for a char (NOT ZERO if IS)
move.b d0,(slowclock) ; switching clock slow
move.b (uartstat),d0
move.b d0,(fastclock) ; switching clock fast
andi.b #$02,d0 ; bit 1 is 1? (I've told you that it is my first attempt to write 68k code!)

;------------------ Wait for clear to send -------
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr tx_rdy
bne tx_rdy_w1
move.l (sp)+,d0

;------------------ TX char
bsr tx_rdy_w
move.b d0,(slowclock) ; switching clock slow
move.b d0,(uartdata)
move.b d0,(fastclock) ; switching clock fast
;----------------- Returns TX ready (Z)
move.b d0,(slowclock) ; switching clock slow
move.b (uartstat),d0
move.b d0,(fastclock) ; switching clock fast
andi.b #$01,d0

The most interesting in this code is that it is working. I do not know what to tell you about this code,
may be the only thing: do not forget to switch the clock fast in your's main program

Avr/GCC/A86k source code

Thursday, January 16, 2014

68k project: step III - execute some bytes by 68008 from RAM

[original article - ]
Well, to run program from RAM we should solder it in.

So, the Scheme 2: is down again! Welcome on next week

First, note the 74138. It decodes higher adress lines. It's all clear with it. Also, that it clear that RAM should start on Addr 0h, so put the /A0000 line to /CE of RAM.

Look at Atmega. The most significant of the new connections is the /BOOTMODE line. It is used to inform RAM to behave the following way: when /BOOTMODE is active, CPU should read not from RAM, but from MCU. It is AND-NOTed with R/W, so when /BOOTMODE is active (0) and READ(1) happens, the output of 7400 leg 8 is not active (high). When /BOOTMODE is not active and READ goes high, the output of 7400/8 goes low, and, ORed with /DS, this is fed (as /MEMRD) to /OE pin of RAM.

7432 also ORs /DS and R//W to get /MEMWR.

Sure, we'll use ATmega as uart, so we should connect one of the lines from 74138 ORed with DS to one of ATmega's leg (again, as interrupt, while that's not absolutely needed). And add an address line (A1) to get two registers for read and for write.
It's all clear that one pair is read byte from line and write byte to line, the other read register is status saying "we have an byte in input" and "it's clear to send the next char". The extra writing register is a HEX output.

So here will be an algorythm (bold is new code):

/* Interrupt handling - DS gone low */
void ISR0()
if (RWline is UP) {
/* feed a byte to CPU */
writing_on_bus = 1;
b = bytefeeder();
if (b != -1)

} else { // The boot 68k program is ended!
bootmode = 0; /* and /BOOTMODE leg*/
/*optional*/ uninstall_IRQ_0_handler();

} else {
/* CPU is writing byte to memory*/

void ISR2(USART_RXC_vect) // Serial event: a char came from terminal to AVR
byte_came = byte_from_serial();
byte_in_rx_que = 0x02; // Flag to be ORed when we'll tell CPU the status

void ISR1() // interrupt happened on /AVRSERAIL goes low
if (RWline is UP)
/* CPU is reading from serial */
writing_on_bus = 1;
if (A2_line_is_up) // CPU reads status
write_on_bus (clear_to_send | byte_in_rx_que);
} else
write_on_bus(byte_came); // last recieved byte from serial
byte_in_rx_que = 0;
} else /*CPU is writing to bus*/
if (A2_line_is_up)
} else

void main()
bootmode = 1; /* as well as /BOOTMODE leg */
byte_in_rx_que = 0; // No pending serial bytes
reset_CPU(); reset_ticks = RESET_TICKS_VAL;
install_int1_handler(AVRSERIAL_goes_down); // Both can be done when leaving bootmode

if (reset_ticks > 0)
if (!(reset_ticks--))
release_reset_CPU(); // reset - up!
if (DS_line_got_high)
if (writing_on_bus) {
writing_on_bus = 0;


What do we feed to cpu, you may ask?
Here it is (in file bytefeeder.c):

uint8_t PROGMEM prologue[] = {
0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00 // 0 dc.l stack pointer
,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08 // 0 dc.l start
,0x20,0x7C ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 // 8 movea.l #0,A0

, then, in loop,

uint8_t PROGMEM program_loop_bytes[] = {
0x30, 0xFC, 0, 0, // move.w #XX,(A0)+
0x4e, 0x71 // NOP

, replacing zeroes by the bytes from the actual program. The trailing NOP is needed because 68008 prefetches one command before executing the prevous (as shown in Chapter II)
And here are the tits is current photo of my board (20140118) is down again! Welcome on next week

K1533LA3 = 74ALS00, K1533LL1 = 74ALS32, K555ID7 == 74LS138 (Soviet/russian chips)
The GCC source of AVR program for chapter III

68k project: step II - execute some bytes by 68008 taken from AVR, actually!

[original article - ]
The scheme for Running first program is down again! Welcome in few days

The GCC source or AVR program

The result of running program:

(* is a clock tick , is a comment)
Calling release reset
[Released reset]
**************************** clock after reset
INT: R Int happens when /DS goes low; R means that CPU is READING
State 0000***** "State 00" is some debug message, the other byte is actual byte
Releasing bus*** 5 clock changes /DS from low to high; 'Releasing bus' - MCU put data bus to high impedance.
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 0008***** fed with 00000008; really the address does not matter, but it must be even, as you understand ;-) -
Releasing bus*** the first thing I've got was a trap leading write 14 bytes to somewhere
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 00C0***** fed by stack pointer
Releasing bus***
State 0020*****
Releasing bus***
State 007C*****
Releasing bus*******
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 0000*****
Releasing bus***
State 0000***** fed with movea.l #0,A0
Releasing bus***
State 0020*****
Releasing bus***
State 003C*****
Releasing bus***
State 00AA*****
Releasing bus***
State 0055*****
Releasing bus***
State 0033*****
Releasing bus***
State 00CC***** fed with move.l #$aa5533cc,D0
Releasing bus***
State 0020*****
Releasing bus***
State 0080***** move.l D0,(A0)
Releasing bus***
State 004E*****
Releasing bus***
State 0071***** fed with NOP - that's prefetching
Releasing bus*****
INT: WAA******** Writing data! Whuuuuaaaaaauhuhhhh!
INT: W55********
INT: W33********
INT: WCC******
State 004E*****
Releasing bus***
State 0071*****
Releasing bus***
State .....

So, we see that at least one command was executed by CPU

68k project: step I - execute some bytes by 68008 taken from AVR - the theory

[original article - ] Getting Reset, AVR (MCU) lowers RESET+HALT of 68008 (CPU) and begins to click clocks in main loop, which leads to the state called Boot Mode, and raises CPU's RESET+HALT some clicks after that.

Getting falling font of DS the MCU's INT0 is accured; while serving INT, main program waits until INT0 finished, so clock does not click, and there is no reason to play DTACK

INT0 feeds next byte of program to the CPU data bus (if CPU reads it), and leaves it there, returning from INT0 hanlder and making the main clock clicks. When main loop detects that DS is not active, it removes data from data bus.

So here it is:

/* Interrupt handling - DS gone low */
void ISR0()
if (RWline is UP) {
/* feed a byte to CPU */
writing_on_bus = 1;
} else {
/* CPU is writing byte */

void main()
bootmode = 1;
reset_CPU(); reset_ticks = RESET_TICKS_VAL;
/* may be some minimal delay, but CPU should be much faster then MCU*/
if (reset_ticks > 0)
if (!(reset_ticks--))
release_reset_CPU(); // reset - up!
if (DS_line_got_high)
if (writing_on_bus) {
writing_on_bus = 0;


While in boot mode, CPU should transfer some initial program to to memory,
then MCU should leave boot mode and send reset. After reset, CPU should execute the
main program already in RAM. It can later switch the clock source to run from a fast quartz.


Note 1. We have serial on ATmega, and you can use MAX232 or whatever you like
to connect it to COM port or USB.

Note 2. It is mentioned that interrups are used to determine /DS signal. Generally,
you do not need that because while CPU is clocked from MCU they are fully syncronized
(and when CPU will be clocked from external source there will be no way to talk with MCU
because it is slow). AVR interrupts are used because the code is clearer.